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An Active and Healthy Pregnancy

Staying active and healthy throughout your pregnancy is not only important for mom but also baby. Staying active is proven to make for an easier and usually quicker labor and delivery when the time comes.

Before having Zoey I would consider myself pretty active. I enjoyed going to the gym and running to stay active, fit, and de-stressed.  Things may have gotten harder once pregnant but I told myself I would be sure to stay active.

The first trimester can be rough. I know for me when I was pregnant with Zoey, I was so tired, felt nauseous constantly, ate anything that sounded appetizing at the time as I couldn’t stomach much and wanted nothing to do with working out.

After hitting that second trimester things got easier though. That’s a relief and you can finally start thinking about things other than “survival.”  The second trimester I got a burst of energy. Maybe that’s a little exaggerated but that’s what it felt like after living through the first trimester when I could barely get out of bed in the morning and was constantly wishing I could be napping.

I started going back to the gym or even working out at home during  my second trimester. I started eating a well balanced diet and tried to limit my sugar intake. I continued this into my third trimester and towards the very end walked 2-3 miles a day. One important thing to remember when your working out is hydration; you need extra water to make sure your meeting the needs of the little human you are growing inside of you. And, of course, you should always talk to your doctor to decide what is safe for you and baby.

Another benefit to working out and staying active during pregnancy is the prevention of stretch marks. Hydration for your skin is also key. Although Zoey Naturals Body Butter and oil was not around yet when I was pregnant with her, I had my father in law make me these products. I used the body oil on my belly in the shower every day then after getting out of the shower I would double down with use of the body butter. I survived my pregnancy without one stretch mark! Both Zoey Naturals Body Oil and Body Butter have key ingredient for deep hydration of the skin.


When the time came my labor was very easy and quick and I truly believe that’s because I stayed active and fit during my entire pregnancy. I only gained the recommended weight by my doctor for pregnancy and I had no problem loosing it after giving birth within just a few weeks.



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