Wishing all the Dad's a Happy Father's Day!

Wishing all the Dad's a Happy Father's Day!

Posted by Charley Richards on

Everyone here at Zoey Naturals wants to wish a happy, safe and fun-filled Father’s Day to all you Dads out there.

My Father has been gone for 20 years and I still think of him almost daily.  I think about the joy he took in his children and how he appreciated our accomplishments. My Dad was the kind of Dad when asked about his kids ignored the fact it was probably rhetorical and really told you about his kids!

At 63 years old, I have a better appreciation of the sacrifices he and my Mom made for the family; often going without to provide us with essential needs and opportunities.

I am a proud father of two great sons, and they have been and are a great joy to me. Both are active in our business with Josh handling our IT duties and Danny being Vice President of all the companies. Quite frankly, having children was never in my master plan and now I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Danny is celebrating his third Father’s Day as the proud “Da da” of daughter Zoey, the inspiration behind these incredible natural products made for babies and toddlers. Danny is a great Dad and extremely devoted to Zoey and the newest addition to the family, Kinsley, a 3-month old beautiful girl. She is already captured everyone’s heart and Zoey loves her “Baby Sissy”. 

Danny and his wife Kelsey are unusual in this day and age and their lives revolve totally around their kids. They are constantly taking them to the zoo, the splash pad, Disney, the beach and other fun locations for outings.

And, I am amazed at how much love you can have for a person.  My wife and I are crazy about our grand daughters. Everyday they do something to make me laugh and tug at my heart strings. I live to see Zoey’s big smile that brightens up the room and Kinsley’s beautiful eye looking up at me.

Building the businesses, I had to miss out on a lot of family activities as I traveled more than a million miles in a 12 year period during the infancy of the business.  I cherished the limited moments I had with my children and encourage all Dads out there to relish every moment they have with their kids.

Time goes too fast but if you’re lucky, one day you can have grandchildren to enjoy even more.


Best regards,


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