Zoey Naturals

What It Means To Be A Papa

Posted by Charley Richards on

I love my wife.

I love my children.

I love my work and my co-workers and a lot of other things in this beautiful world.

But, the feelings I have for my granddaughters are beyond description.  They are so deep and unconditional.  It makes me smile and breaks my heart at the same time.

I am “Papa” to two beautiful girls, Zoey who is 2 ½ and Kinsley who is 8 months old.  I adore being around them. Their smiles and laughter are tonic to my soul. 

When Zoey talks to me, I hang on every word. I relish every syllable.  She is so funny one second and extremely philosophical in the next.

Her brow will furrow as she is deep in thought and then she excitedly makes her observation as her eyes light up. She says, Papa, I love you and everything in the world is right and any tensions or concerns melt away. 

We have our rituals which I cherish as they are just between us. Nice moments to share as we build our “for life” bond.

Kinsley is developing her own, unique personality.  She is crazy about Zoey and thinks she is hilarious. When I hold her and she looks at me with those big eyes, it is heartwarming. I love it when she pulls on my cheeks or grabs my nose.  She is an expert at pulling my glasses off my face.

She also has a fascination with my bald head and if I lean down to her sitting in a chair with the top of my head towards her, she’ll butt heads with me and then pat my head.  It is so funny and charming.

I have been blessed in life with my wife, Kelly; two sons, Danny and Josh; and a great daughter-in-law, Kelsey.

My granddaughters are just the shiniest jewels in the crown.



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